Image source: National Post

The secularism bill tabled by the Quebec government is leading Sikhs living in Canada in distress as the bill, if passed, would prohibit the wearing of religious symbols in the public sector.

President of World Sikh Organization of Canada, Mukhbir Singh told Times of India on Friday “we are deeply disappointed that the Coalition Avenir Quebec government has introduced legislation banning the wearing of religious clothing and symbols in Quebec.”

“The proposed legislation is a solution to a problem that does not exist- there is no evidence to suggest that individuals wearing items of religious clothing are negatively impacting anyone in society”.

Sikhs living in Canada have mainly objected on the section of the bill that outlaws wearing of religious symbols by public workers.

Expressing concern, WSO president said that there were approximately 15,000 Sikhs in Quebec who would be disproportionately impacted by the ban on religious clothing and symbols. Public servants in positions of authority such as police officers, judges, prosecutors and also school teachers will be included in the ban.

Manveer Singh, president of SAD (A) Quebec said that Quebec Bill was not acceptable. “The Sikh community of Quebec would challenge this bill before it becomes a law.”

“Quebec was our home and the government of Quebec could not override Canadian Charter,” he added.

The Legal counsel of WSO, Balpreet Singh said the ban would have a deeply negative impact on Sikhs in Quebec.

The wearing of the turban and the Sikh articles of faith is not optional for Sikhs and a ban on these articles of faith was, in effect, a ban on Sikhs in positions of authority.

“We fear that this ban will have a trickle-down effect into the private sector and young Sikhs who are born and raised in Quebec will find it even more difficult to find jobs in the province,” he said.

He pointed out that the term “religious symbols” remained undefined in the law- leaving it unclear as to how particular items of jewelry or clothing would be classified and who will make that determination.

He also added that the practicing Sikhs, both men, and women, wear the Sikh articles of faith such as the turban at all times as reminders of the principles of equality, service and spirituality.

By Sowmya Sangam