Facebook is a place where you’ll find all mixed fruit juice! You don’t need to remember your friend’s birthday, you don’t have to keep reminding yourself about the event that is happening on the third week of the coming month and who will post comments and like your beautiful pictures that you upload every now and then? You can even get updates from all corners of the world. There are many more reasons not to quit Facebook, a digital social media.
Top Reasons Not To Quit Facebook
1How Will You Remember Your Friend’s Birthday?

So, are you the one who starts the day with birthday notifications, and then you either call up your friend or post wishes on their wall? You act, as you never forget their birthdays, and post saying that you were really waiting for this amazing day. Well, everyone in this world follows the same smart trick that makes the birthday girl/boy happy! Also, accept the fact that, if not Facebook, you’ll never remember.
2Checking your College Boyfriend’s New Fiance!

You could be one of them, who keep haunting your crush/ex’s through Facebook. They must be busy in their lives and may also have a life that you never thought of. So, whenever you wish to know about them and their life, you immediately switch your phone to Facebook app and start searching.
3Express As Much As You Want

Twitter lets you use only 140 characters. But, you have so much to express. What are you going to do at that moment when you want to express longer? Simple, switch to Facebook! Express as much as you can, you have no word limit. You can be clear to people.
4Hardly Takes Your Time to Join

It hardly takes 2 seconds to join a new website through Facebook Connect. You would have taken a good 10 minutes doing it the old way. So now, do you think to subscribe your favourite magazines?
5Event Notification

How will you know about parties that are organized this weekend? How will you remember when and where those parties are? Who will invite you, if you don’t know the organizer and all other friends are heading into it? Whatever it could be, the notification of invites makes you happy all of a sudden that your friends remember you! May it be any event, just the invite matters!
6Facebook Everywhere

What are you going to do when you’re in the elevator? How can you miss notifications? Well, it’s a known fact that everyone in this world has a famous app on their smart phone, which automatically turns on as soon as they step out of the door- Facebook!
7Friends All Time

How else will you keep in contact with your friends, you met while studying abroad? The only way, you can keep tagging, mesmerizing your past pictures, posts again and again and share it on the wall.
8Not to Forget – “Selfies”

Nothing ends without pictures and selfies, whatever the situation is you will never end it without a selfie. Meeting a friend after a long time, hashtag “#longtimenosee”, selfie and post. Reunion your school friends, hashtag “#reunion”, selfie, post. Cousins together, hashtag “#cousinslove”, selfie and post. It can be any event, with parents, anniversary, birthdays, results or outing, the procedure is same.
-Nikisha Uddagiri