Now-a-days, the trend of having a baby at the age of between 30 to 40 has been increased. The main reason of delayed pregnancy is to become successful and self dependent in their lives. Present day women want a successful career before binding themselves in the chain of family. Due to all these aspects women firstly wants to be successful and then wants to get married and proceed in the family way.
There are so many facts for delayed pregnancy, like before having a baby, a woman want to enjoy her newly married life. She wants to spend life with her life partner. She wants to understand her life partner and wants to know about his opinion before pregnancy. On that basis, she decides to have a further family life.
There can also be a genetic problem in having a late pregnancy. The problem with the internal genetic features of partners is also a reason for late pregnancy. No doubt, present day science has a solution for every problem. But there are still some cons of late pregnancy, that may affect the women as well as a child also. Check here that what are the pros and cons of delayed pregnancy.
1Pros of late pregnancy

1. Having a baby after a successful career is more beneficial for baby. By this you can give all the facilities to the child and can pay full attention with responsibility and can take care of children with the astonishing experience.
2. Now science has advanced to deal with the late delivery problem and can be easily done without any side effects and pain. So, have a proper discussion with your doctor about the issues that you may face during delivery. Also discuss about, how to take care of all these issues, to have a healthy baby without affecting your body.
3. A Woman after 35 are very much mature and responsible to handle the emotional situations along with financial constraints. There are a number of celebrity mothers, who had their children in their late 30s or 40s like Cherie Blair had a baby at 45, Madonna had a baby at 41.
2Cons of late pregnancy

While it is somewhat true that the risk of having a baby after 35 increases. Because unlike men who continue to produce sperms throughout their life, women’s ovary can produce only a fixed number of eggs. About 300 eggs are released during the woman’s lifetime and some of the eggs get degenerated in later ages. Healthy eggs are released at the young age of the women. As with the growing age, eggs released from women are the least healthy which may not form into a baby. But science reduces the risk up to much extent by proper care and consultation to overcome this problem. But there can be some problems with some ladies in late delivery. These are like:
1. Women have to go through too much of pain during delivery. Because chances of having normal delivery decreases. Women have to go for surgery for giving birth to a baby.
2. Due to the less healthy eggs released by women’s ovary, fertility levels drop after 35 and difficulties arise at the time of conceiving.
3. The risk of miscarriage increases due the fertility rate drop at the age of 30-40 dramatically. In a normal delivery, egg moves to the uterus from the Fallopian tube. But at the later age fertilized egg stays in the Fallopian tube and it starts to implant outside the uterus. This issue increases the miscarriage in the later stage. This risk is known as ectopic pregnancy.
4. Health problems for women over 35 include gestational diabetes and hypertension, as well as endometriosis and fibroids. This creates a problem in the late pregnancy.
5. Danger factor for mother increases. Because late delivery or any misconception can put them in danger, which may be fatal.
Delayed pregnancy can be a boon for your happy married life. Try to manage the health issues that have more chances to occur and can affect you during delivery. For this, change the combination of medication and lifestyle, such as improved diet and exercise. Enjoy your life with full independence by having a delayed pregnancy.
By: Shaveta Kandhari