As per a recent study that was published in the science journal, that specially deals with certain particular health care concerns and issues and goes by the name ofAntioxidants & Redox Signalling.
As per the study, that was conducted, the researchers found that through the oral administration of a compound that is bio active in nature, and found in the neem plant, which on its own part has been known since time immemorial for its various medicinal values, and commonly found in the sub-continent of India, may in dramatic ways to suppress the development of cancer in the prostate. The scientist of Indian origin has led the studies which have gone on to present the papers which has made the above mentioned claim about the effect of the bio active compound found in neem, in the treatment of any cancerous developments in the prostate. Read on ahead in this publication as how certain bio active compounds in neem may cure prostate cancer.
Treatment of Prostate Cancer through Neem
1About the Plant

Neem, or the Indian Lilac, has the scientific name Azadirachta indica, may alsobe called nimtree, and belongs to the mahogany family of long living, deciduous, hardwood trees. They are native to the indian sub continent and thrive particularly well in tropical and semi tropical weather conditions. The benefits of neem has been known
Neem since the Vedic times has been known to the sages for its medicinal benefits. The general extracts of neem are known to protect the system from parasites, viruses, fungus, and bacteria. Moreover, it may also be used as an anti diabetic agent. Neem has also found uses in traditional medicine as a contraceptive, is known for is sedative powers.
Aurvedic school of medicines and the Unani school of medicines may be said to be the two principal traditional schools of medicines to have emerged from the Indian subcontinent. Both have long since emphasised on the importance of neem in their practices. According to the Unani practices, the oil of neem is particularly recommended for the purpose of hair care as well as for certain conditions related to the skin. Ingenious products made from the extract of neem have been administered for the purpose of detoxification of blood streams in general, for boosting the functions of the liver, to keep a check on the sugar levels, as does in this particular case of sugar, any bitter substance, of which neem may said to be of the highest order. Diseases of the skin like eczema and psoriasis may also be treated through neem.
Still the body of research that has been conducted as of now seems to be insufficient, to the effect that the compounds and combinations found in the plant may be made a regular part of high end, mainstream essential medications. The short term usage of neem in case of adults has had been deemed to be perfectly safe. The products in the form of supplements may however be used with caution and responsibility. Howsoever the long term use of a supplement like products may lead to the development of acute condition in the kidneys and liver. In case of children, the use of neem oil has been known to be toxic, to the extent of been fatal at times. Irresponsible use of neem has also known to cause miscarriages, episodes of infertility and dramatic lowering of the sugar levels in the blood streams. Hence rank infants, to small children must be kept away from neem based products. The advice of a professional always helps.
2Current Research in Discussion

Nimbolide is a bio active, terpenoid, (unsaturated hydrocarbon that is extracted from plants) compound that has been found to be contained in neem. The consumption of the same for a period extending up to 12 weeks may lead to the reduction of the symptoms of cancer in the prostate.
The researchers were successfully able to conclude with conviction that the size was the tumour had reduced by as much as 70 %, while the spread of the disease had been curbed by as much as 50 %. The same figures and related facts were confirmed by the researcher as well.
3About Prostate Cancer

Carcinoma of the prostate is the formation of cancerous development in the prostate gland, which forms an integral part of the male reproductive system. It is known to be a slow growing cancer, however in some cases it has been known to spread at a dramatic pace. In certain cases the cancerous development may spread over to other parts of the body as well. From the gland the growth of cancer may even spread on to the bones as well the lymph nodes.
The symptoms of the disease during the initial stages may not show up at all. At later stages one may develop a difficulty in urination, to the appearance of blood in urine, episodes of extreme pain in the pelvic and back regions, specially while passing urine. However a disease called prostatic hyperplasia may also produce similar symptoms. Other symptoms in severe stages may also include an omnipresent feeling of fatigue, lowering of levels of red blood cells in the blood stream of the person.
4Inference of the Research

Cancerous development in the prostate may be said to be the one of the most notorious forms of cancers the world over. Second only to skin cancer when the number of people effected the world over every year is considered. The same information is agreed upon even by the team of researchers who are led by Gautam Sethi, who is an associate professor at the National University of Singapore, ( NUS ).
The fact also remains that the current modes of treatment which are available for cases of metastatic prostate cancer could be said to only as much as marginally effective. As a result, a need has been there and felt among the concerned circles, of necessary advancements in themode of treatment and options available a alternative.
Gautum Sethi, who leads the team of researchers at the National University of Singapore, says, that although the varied effects that nimbolide has in suppressing the spread and development of various types of cancer had been reported before. Yet the effect that the bio active compound specifically has on the initiation and the following spreading of the episode of cancer had not been presented as a report of scientific studies before. The specific effect that the compound has specifically in case of prostate cancer, is what separates the present research from the earlier studies. The focus on the state of the prostate is of the utmost importance.
Through their study, the researchers have been able to showcase to the world, that nimbolide may bring about an inhibition to the process of cell viability, which on its part, is a procedure which takes place at the cellular level and in a very direct manner affects the ability of a cell to multiply, divide, proliferate, and even go ahead with the repair of damaged components of the cells. They may even bring about programmed death of the cancerous cells, specifically in the case of cancer to the prostate glands.
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The invasion brought about the cancer on the living tissues of the body, and the subsequent spreading of the condition which may be termed as migration, may be considered to be the 2 key steps which bring about the process of metastasis on the tumour. The very characteristic, if you may say so, which differentiates a cancerous tumour from a non-cancerous one. Through their studies, the researchers have been able to prove with conviction that the administration of nimbolide brings about significant measures of suppression in both the invasion as well as migration activities of the cancerous cells. The results were suggestive of the fact that a considerable reduction in the size of tumour was also observed.
5Looking Ahead

While conducting the study, the researchers in fact observed that the size of the tumour was reduced by as much as 70%, while the extent of its spread, which we have thus far come to know as metastasis, was inhibited by as much as 50 %. While the adverse effect, or side effects were significantly minimal to not present.
The researchers father confirmed that this was made possible because the chemical nimbolide directly targeted glutathione reductase, which is an enzyme, and holds its self responsible for keeping up the health of the system of anti-oxidants which on their particular part are responsible for the regulation of the STAT 3 gene found in humans. Also confirmed the research lead. The activation of this, otherwise dormant STAT 3 gene, is said to bring about the growth and metastasis of the tumour in the prostate.
The lead researcher confirmed as a conclusion to the study that the bio active compound inhibits the activation process of the STAT 3 gene, thereby suppressing the episode of cancer in the prostate.
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By Abhro