A study was performed, which was aimed at exploring the potency of cholesterol lowering drugs, that we know as statins. The presumed advantages that this medication may bring about in the case of the patient are lesser known to the common public. Moreover, extensive criticism of pharmaceutical remedies on behalf of the insensitive media, makes the people abstain from the prescribed medication. Cardiovascular deaths, forms a major percentage of the gross total. It is not about the west or the east. Read on in this section about the myths and benefits of anti cholesterol medication.
Medication for Controlling Blood Cholesterol
1What are Stanin Pills:

Stanin pills have been known to be beneficial for all those who might have at some point in their lives, or are constantly suffering from high levels of cholesterol in their blood stream. The medication effects on the system by not just depleting the cholesterol levels that circulates in the blood, but also by reinforcing the heart health, through controlling of any inflammatory episodes.
Also Read: Hen Eggs and Cholesterol
2Popular Myth on Medication:

A number of studies have been performed time and again, which in their individual manners have led to claims, on behalf of the researchers, proclaiming that the regular consumption of medications over a long period may lead to weakening and subsequent degeneration of the muscles of the body. Concerned studies have also blamed pharmaceuticals of causing irreparable damage to some of the vital organs like liver and kidneys.
As far as the alleged side effects of statins are concerned, a lot of confusion seem to exist. Claims exist that high as 20 per cent of all the patients who are given statins, develop a condition of intolerance towards the drug.
3Causes to the Effects:

As early as the year 2001, a cholesterol-fighting statin drug, commercially known as Baycol was removed from the shelves of the pharmacies, on orders issued by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, commonly abbreviated as FDA. The particular drug, as allegations had it, is said to have caused as many as 31 deaths, by the mean of muscle disorders. The issue became a major escalation among the concerned circles in America. Subsequently a number of labels of statins were put on the test table by the FDA. Medics and patients alike were cautioned by the authorities about the speculative side effects and limitation of dosages in order to prevent the occurrence of impairment of muscle.
The authorities in fact went the extra yard by conducting random controlled trials and observations of the effects of the drugs on the patients. The patients suffering from high levels of cholesterol in their blood were divided into two groups. In one group, the patients were given statins while those in the other group were given dummy pills. The reaction of the group to the procedure was observed and subsequently analyzed.
The doctors in this case had informed the patients before hand about the side effects of the drugs. Thus the patients, started blaming the drug for what so ever pain in the muscles that they suffered from. The reason for which, in reality might as well, could had been over exercising or bad sleeping posture. Whereas those people, who were on the placebo did not blame the drugs for causing any discomfort as such. However, the particular effects which the drug was having on the system could not be determined. As the patients, as well as the doctors were not informed of the administering of the placebo to the group.
Also Read: Benefits of Low Cholesterol Levels and Blood Pressure on Cardiovascular Health

The data which was made available was however studied upon by the lead researcher. The inference was reached at that the drug, without the shadow of a doubt, has the ability to minimize the chances of developing adverse cardiovascular conditions, by as much as 25 per cent. As per the calculations that were made by the researchers, those people, who were diagnosed with a condition of the heart heart or would have experienced before, episodes of heart attack, or stroke and also have been regularly consuming statins for up to more than five years, were at a 10 percent lesser risk of developing any severe conditions of the heart.
By Abhro