When someone says they are in depression, it can mean two things. If they use it in a sentence to show that they are temporarily upset about something and will get over it in a period of time, then that is just sadness or anger. That is NOT depression. Depression is more than sadness, dejection passing over a period of time. Depression is more complex than that.
Let us help you understand depression. It might be difficult to explain the feeling to someone who cannot experience it but here is a metaphor to help understand. Let us say that you are color blind. Everywhere you look around everything is in black and white. Your friends, family,peers everyone around you is telling you how beautiful the colors around you are but all you can see is in black and white. You are longing to see color but you are unable to.
Depression can leave you feeling continuously burdened and can sap away the joy out of activities which you once thought were pleasurable. You loose the feeling of wanting to be with anyone or even do anything. The only person you will feel comfortable to be with is yourself.
In this article, what is depression, what causes it, why does it happen and how effective treatment can happen and lighten your mood will be discussed. We aim to give you the beacon of hope in finding satisfaction in interests and hobbies- to make you feel more like yourself again. To see the world in color.
Research suggests that depression does not come from simply having too much or too less of brain chemicals. The causes of depression can include, faulty mood regulations by the brain, genetic vulnerability, stressful and traumatizing life events, the people you are surrounded by, circumstances, medications, addiction and medical problems. Abuse, stress, death or loss of a close one, serious illnesses or other personal problems which can alter the way you think, feel and behave are some main causes for why a person can suffer from depression.
There are six common depression types. Major depression, persistent depressive order, bipolar disorder, SAD- Seasonal affective disorder, Perinatal and PMDD (depression related to birth or woman organ issues)
For now, we will discuss on major depression.
Depression is not only hard to endure for a long period of time but it is also a risk factor posed to health. Depressive symptoms can occur in adults and children for many reasons. If you feel like you have lost hope in everything, you are unable to eat and sleep properly, constantly feel like crying or staying sad, you might be experiencing early symptoms of depression
Symptoms of major depression include losing interest in activities which you once found pleasurable, trouble sleeping, changes in appetite, weight loss/gain, loss of energy, feeling worthless constantly, thoughts of death and suicide and crying or getting angry. This type of depression can be treated with the right medication, psychotherapy and will.
Countries with highest depression rates are China, India, The USA, Brazil, Bangladesh, Russia etc. In USA, every 1 out of 5 people suffer from depression. In India, every one out of 3 woman suffer from depression.
Seems easy to treat, so why should I waste my time on therapy and medication?
NO. Depression is NOT easy to treat. It is a constant battle between the mind, the heart and the body. Depression can have a major effect on the brain and cause the human to becomes less functional than regular. According to studies, those with depression are 70 percent less productive than those who are. Depression does not make you a dumb person. It makes you not want to use your intelligence anymore.Therapy in this case is highly effective to help yourself on the way to becoming better.
What are some effective methods to help me deal with my depression?
Therapy does not always certainly mean talking to a counsellor or a therapist. There are 100 or therapy types to deal with depression. There is talking to a counsellor, group therapy where you speaking groups, laughing therapy which is done in groups, motivation therapy, horse therapy, etc.
Exercising can help with depression. It releases endorphin into the brain which can make you feel more active, energetic and refreshed than before. Yoga can also help decrease depression as it helps control the mind, body and soul.
Food plays an important role in keeping our hormones in check. Eating foods with bad fat can cause depression.
Anti-depressants: Usually when you visit a doctor or a counsellor, based on the treatment and your personality, you will receive medication. It was range from antidepressant pills to either CBD or marijuana use. Do not take medication without consulting a doctor. The wrong medication can trigger your depression.
So how will I know someone is in depression?
Each to their own. Sometimes, it is evident that someone has depression and might come forward with it. Some may appear happy on the outside but can be depressed when left alone. In case you observe any of the mention symptoms in the article, or someone comes forward to you with their depression, as a good friend yu must consult them to a therapist as soon as possible before the depression aggravates, causing them to either commit suicide or take drastic measures.
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– Meena Atmakuri