Red wine all over the world, is produced by fermenting the dark variety of grapes. With age, the colour of the wine transforms from an extravagant shade of violet, to a mellow red of bricks.
Age is as much of a factor in determining the quality of the wine, as is the grape which becomes the wine. The grape in turn is completely dependent on the soil type, and climatic conditions of the region, where it is grown, and thus graded according to its sugar content. It is for this reason, that wine nomenclature is often based on the region where the grapes are grown.
That glass of red wine, as customs would have it, needs to breathe in the goblet, and engage your palate, before it slowly meanders down your system. Now the million dollar question. Could red wine really be classified as a health drink. Surely not, if you are downing a whole bottle of it before bedtime. Yet a spot of it, as the British would say, with supper or otherwise, could be genuinely refreshing, and beneficial for the body.
Red wine contains, absolutely no quantity of, any form of fat or cholesterol. It is low in calories, and is rich in Potassium, besides having healthy traces of Sodium, Iron, Vitamin B-6 and Magnesium.
Read on to find out more about health benefits of red wine, i.e., how healthy is your glass of red wine.
Health Benefits of Red Wine
1Prevents Cancer

Red wine is rich in resveratrol, a type of natural phenol, which prevents the development of cancerous cells in the body. Research has proved, that the particular compound has the capacity to kill damaged cells which could potentially lead to cancer.
2Boosts memory power

Scientific studies have shown that, rats infused with a dose of resveratrol had improved memory. The treated specimens, even at the age of two, had enhanced learning prowess, and refined mood functions.
3Increases Longevity

Scientists have been able to establish, that resveratrol has proven properties, that represses molecules, that causes inflammation to the system. The compound not only stimulates the production of insulin, thus enabling us to lead a longer and healthier life, but also reduces the chances of the development of type 2 diabetes, and strokes.
4Stops weight gain

Recent studies have shown that, dark grapes also contain a compound known as piceatannol, which is another example of a phenol. In this case, the phenol, ie piceatannol, is able to block cellular processes that allow fat cells to develop in the body, thus opening a door to a potential method to control obesity.
Read more, on our recommended detox plan.
By Abhro