
US President Donald Trump signed an executive bill temporarily banning the foreigners from getting permanent residency in the country. He reported that he was doing so to protect the American citizens during this time of the pandemic.

The order is expected to last for the coming 60 days, effective April 22 and might be extended after further talks and clarifications have been done. Some of the critics in the country saw this as a chance on part of the President to implement his long-sought policy of barring the immigrants from being in US.

“In order to protect our great American workers I have just signed an executive order temporarily suspending immigration into the United States. This will ensure that unemployed Americans of all backgrounds will be first in line for jobs as our economy reopens,” Trump stated in one of his White House press conference.

Trump also assured that he is going to save the healthcare resources for the American patients.

The White House lawyers have been working extensively all throughout the day to finally craft the order. Aides has reported that Trump was extremely eager to sign the orders.

Upon winning the Presidential elections in 2016, Trump has worked to crack down on the immigration in the country and the same has been one of the central issues to his presidency. But, majority of the immigration related moves that he has tried to take has been counteracted and challenged in the court.

“The order would only apply to people applying for permanent residence from outside the United States, not those already in the country seeking to adjust their status,” said U.S. Department of Homeland Security official.

Trump has clarified that the order will be effective for 60 days in the beginning following which the same can be extended further. He also said that the second immigration-focused order was under consideration by the country.

According to the reports, it was mentioned that Trump and his advisers have been working on this executive order for quite some time now, saying “they have wanted this all along.”