Indian Couple

The Indian-origin couple Kishan Modugumudi and Chandrakala Purnima Modugumudi, who were allegedly involved in a sex racket in the United States have been charged with ten counts including felony, which is a serious crime, under three sections by the U.S. District Court.

The sections include 18USC 371, conspiracy to defraud the United States; 8USC 1328, which is importing aliens for immoral purposes and 18USC 1546, which is fraud and misuse of visas, permits, and other documents.

In the criminal proceedings filed in the Northern District of Illinois a few days ago, five victims have been identified as having been used by the couple for prostitution in assorted cities of the United States, arranging customers and the logistics like hotels for them apart from providing air tickets from India.

The charges say the couple, beginning in or around December 2016 through January 23, 2018, did knowingly and willfully combine, confederate, conspire and agree with one another to import, keep, maintain, control, support, employ and harbor victims for the purpose of prostitution. The charges say the couple conspired to bring Indian women into the U.S. to engage in prostitution in Chicago and Illinois, for financial gain. It was as part of the conspiracy that they recruited and enticed women to come to the US from India for prostitution.

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The charges said the couple provided the victims with deceitful documents, incorrectly stating the victims were to be honored at various Indian cultural events, in order to obtain a visa, and to show Customs and Border Protection officers.

The conspirators besides transported or caused to be transported the victims to locations in the United States with an intent of the victims engaging in commercial sex acts with customers who paid for those acts.

Chandrakala was as well charged with keeping ledgers detailing the number of commercial sex acts performed by the victims and payments received. The charges likewise said she gathered $ 1,000 from a customer to have commercial sex with one of the victims and warned him not to tell the victim how much he paid for the act and not to ask for the mobile number of the victim.

By Sowmya