Morning Walk Benefits

Walking itself is an aerobic exercise. Has it ever come in your mind that how minute by minute walk can affect your body? Yes, do not get shocked. Every second of 60 min has their individual role to make you healthy and happy. Here are some morning walk benefits and it is a great cardio exercise that may help you in lowering the levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol and increasing levels of HDL (good) cholesterol. The Stroke Association says that “30 minute walk every day may help you to prevent and control the high blood pressure problem and reduces the risk by up to 27 percent”.

Benefits of 60 min WalkBenefits of 60 min Walk

1Minute 1 to 5

First 5 min of walk is like a warm up exercise. In these minutes, energy producing chemicals is released from the body cells. Your heart rate increases from 70 to 100 beats per minute. These 5 minute walk boosts your blood flow and warm up the muscles. As compared to sitting, while walking, our body consumes 4 more calories than that of rest position. While walking body needs more fuels, which it will pull out from carbohydrates and fats stored in our body.

2Minute 6 to 10

In this minute of walking, heart beat increases from 100 to 140 beats per minute. Now, as you pick up your speed, you are burning up to 6 calories in a minute. Due to more release of chemicals, the rise in blood pressure is countered that will expand your blood vessels, bringing more blood and oxygen to working properly.

3Minute 11 to 20

At this minute of the walk, your body temperature starts rising and you may start to perspire, as blood vessels near the skin expand to release heat. Now your burning calories are 7 in a minute. Hormones such as epinephrine and glucagon rise to release fuel to the muscles. You start breathing harder in this minute of walking.

4Minute 21 to 45

Feeling refreshed, at this point you start feeling relaxed at body start to release tension. Because now the feel good chemicals such as endorphins in your brain start releasing. As more fat is burned, insulin in the body drops, which is very good for diabetic person.

5Minutes 46 to 60

At this stage the carbohydrates that were stored in muscles are now released and you may feel fatigued. After 60 min as you cool down, your heart beat decreases and fewer calories will burn, more than that you started burning calories in first 10 min.

All this happens without giving any harm to your body. So why not start with this 60 min walk to make yourself healthy.

6Benefits of walking

1. Improves circulation.

2. Strengthen up your bones.

3. Leads to a longer life.

4. Lightens mood.

5. Weight loss.

6. Improves your breath.

7. Strengthens muscles.

8. Improves sleep

Now, after knowing all these benefits one should try for an early morning walk. You will get all these benefits without paying any cost except your patience to get up early in the morning. It is a true exercise to boost up your mood. Studies show that a regular walk is just as effective as antidepressants in cases of depression, Body releases feel-good endorphins when mind reduces the stress and anxiety. So for positive mental health, walking is an absolute must.

By: Shaveta Kandhari