
WHO predicts the second wave of coronavirus in Middle East as winter is coming. The organization is trying to remind the risk of not following the COVID preventive measures.

The expected second wave impact is going to be horrifying. To combat virus infections, the countries need to follow the restrictions as soon as possible.

The Director of East Middle Region of WHO, Ahmed al Mandhari pointed out that countries have lowered the safeguard against virus infections. Even the basic protocols like wearing masks and social distancing are not completely followed. The ultimate result of this is an increase in COVID cases and crowded hospitals.

The current total confirmed cases in the region are 3.6 million and 76,000. Among all the Middle East regions, Iran is the most affected place. The country recorded 60% of new cases including the whole region. Along with Iran, Pakistan and Lebanon have witnessed the hike in cases. The countries went under lockdown this week. The three places that saw a single day death spike are Jordan, Tunisia and Lebanon.


Al Mandhari cautioned saying “We cannot _ and should not _ wait until a safe and effective vaccine becomes readily available for all”. He said, “simply do not know when this will happen” referring to the COVID vaccine becoming live for use.