Tesco Express store
Image source: https://inshorts.com

An Indian origin lawyer has filed a lawsuit against a supermarket chain Tesco which is the UK’s biggest supermarket chain. The Indian origin lawyer is said to be Lalu Hanuman of 63-years-old.

Lalu Hanuman has claimed that he has been mistreated at the supermarket which has dislodged his kidney stones. He has claimed that he has been falsely accused of theft and has said that he has been mistreated by accusing of walking away with a bar of chocolate that has been unpaid.

He was on his way to a concert when he has stopped at the supermarket and has bought a vegan chocolate bar and paid for it at the self-service bill. Hanuman has thrown the bill receipt in the bin and has made his way out of the Tesco store which is in the Russell Square area of central London.

Mr Hanuman claims to have been stopped by the security of the Tesco Express store who accused him with false allegations of not paying for the chocolate bar and had moved him forcibly back to the shop.

Hanuman claims that, this incident has resulted in his kidney stones being dislodged.

It had been later admitted by the Tesco that the chocolate bar had been paid for and the confusion that has been raised over the unintentional double-swipe of the bar code by the lawyer was explained and was said that the lawyer had required some assistance during the usage of the self-service checkout bill.

The hearing of the UK court is scheduled to take place on July 21.