Modi and Trump

Members of the Indian-American community expect a positive outcome to the first meeting between President Donald Trump and Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The main concern being the status of H-1B visa holders and future applicants, who they say make up a significant part of the Indian-American community and are invaluable to the American economy and brain trust in the 21st century.

Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi, D-Illinois, said that the two leaders talk on building commercial and security ties that would hopefully translate into prosperity for both countries.

Dr. Ashok Jain new chair of AAPI Board of Trustees

“I hope they talk about how to have more foreign direct investment from India which is becoming a powerful and prosperous economy with companies looking for a larger footprint globally,” Krishnamoorthi said. “I hope my state is where they come. I want to make sure my constituency benefits from increasing ties.”

Krishnamoorthi’s District 8, has a significant population of Indian origin, and “They are looking forward to the meeting and for it to be productive,” he said.

“It’s very important that Modi and Trump understand each other on various strategic, economic, and immigration issues,” said Dr. Sudhir Parikh, recipient of India’s Padma Shri award and advisor to the American Hindu Coalition.

“The (Indian-American) community in the U.S. is hoping the H-1B visa can continue so that this country grows and more young Indians come here,” Parikh said. “Because of the political polarization, we are worried and Mr. Modi should touch that subject as it is very important to protect Indians,” Parikh said, adding, “The Trump administration recognizes it and has to educate the American public.”

“I have conservative expectations from the meeting – not too high and not too low,” said Shekhar Tiwari, a Washington, D.C.-based businessman, supporter of the Bharatiya Janata Party, founder of the U.S-India Security Council and the American Hindu Coalition.

“Even though they (Modi and Trump) like each other, the outcome will be controlled by many other variables,” Tiwari contended. “In all of them, the only area of common interest is ISIS, but that depends on what U.S. wants and what India can contribute,” Tiwari contended. “Can India contribute? It has a large Muslim population and it has to be very careful how to get involved,” Tiwari said.

“India’s concern is terrorism from Pakistan, and America considers Pakistan an ally,” and their lies the dichotomy, Tiwari indicated. Similarly, India has to walk a fine line on “Some of those ‘ISIS’ countries that are very important ot India.”

Mahinder Tak, a leading Indian-American Democratic political activist and fundraiser in Greater Washington, D.C. said, “I am very happy about the meeting. It is critical. President Trump must respect India as the largest democracy.”

“I hope Prime Minister Modi will ask about H-1B visa regulations. We need technology experts and India has such bright young people who can contribute to this economy,” Tak said.

Kite Festival in Aberdeen, New Jersey

Tak said, “Modi understands the complexity of politics and I have a lot of respect for him. They are not similar personalities at all.” “Modi does what he says. Trump says something and then does something else,” Tak contended. “Modi has united the country (India) in many, many ways,” she asserted.

Ohio’s only Indian-American state representative Niraj Antani, a millennial, said that he expect a “productive and great meeting between the leaders of the two most important democracies in the world.” “I am confident President Trump and PM Modi will strengthen the relationship between the United States and India,” Antani said.

By Premji