Global Teacher Prize

Kavita Sanghvi, an Indian physics teacher has been recognised for her experiential method of teaching physics and is among the top 50 contenders from around the world for a global prize of USD one million. She is teaching physics as principal of the MET Rishikul Vidyalaya in Mumbai.

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“For the past few days on receiving the mail and finding my name in the top 50, I have been walking in the clouds, smiling and feeling an immense sense of gratitude towards all for shaping me professionally to develop my strengths and potentials,” Sanghvi said.

“This recognition makes me feel truly special and inspires me to enhance my abilities and capabilities further. The Prize will be a constant reminder to me that I am responsible and accountable to the community towards academic, environment and social development of my students and teachers,” she added.

“We were overwhelmed by the huge support the Global Teacher Prize received this year. We intend to keep this momentum going as our journey continues to return teachers to their rightful position as one of the most respected professions in society,” said Varkey, founder of the UK-based Varkey Foundation.

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“The tens of thousands of nominations and applications we received from every corner of the planet is testimony to the achievements of teachers and the enormous impact they have on all of our lives,” he said.

“I count my teachers as among the most influential people in my life. Teachers are entrusted with nurturing the potential of the young and helping them blossom as productive and responsible members of society. It is hard to underestimate their value,” said Ban Ki-Moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations and one of the supporters of the Varkey Foundation Global Teacher Prize.

The Global Teacher Prize Academy has prominent names such as actress Freida Pinto, Wendy Kopp, co-founder and CEO of Teach for All, Brett Wigdortz, founder and CEO of Teach First, Nick Booth, CEO, The Royal Foundation of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry, James E Ryan, Dean and Professor, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Jeffrey D Sachs, world-renowned professor of economics and special advisor to the UN and Lewis Pugh, the only person to have completed a long distance swim in every ocean of the world.

By Premji