You as parents have to set an example by following a disciplined routine and maintaining a healthy lifestyle so that your kids can follow.
Firstly, Instagram is full of diet plans like keto, intermittent and others which lure you into following them. But, do you really think they are healthy?
These diets are often short term solutions for weight loss but end up giving adverse affects in the long run.
Now that you are following these life habits, your kids also tend to learn and implement from you. It is your duty as a parent to let your kids learn the healthier lifestyle habits.
Once you start inculcating a good lifestyle into your toddler’s life, they follow it forever.
Here are few of the most important habits every kid must know:
Never Skip Breakfast

Any healthy habit should be started with the first thing in the morning. For your kid’s metabolism to be on point, breakfast is a must.
It does not just help the kid be energetic throughout the day but also helps in waking up early ans sleeping early.
You all know how important it is to follow the biological clock, right?
“Early to bed and early to rise”, go by this formula, and your kid will never be a prey to chronic diseases.
Get off the sofa and out of the door

Your kids need exercise and there’s no way to opt it out. With the pandemic induced lockdown, kids are sticking to the house and mainly to the mobiles and tablets.
Angry birds, Call of duty have become the new best friends to the kids.
It’s high time they got some exercise. Get your kids out of the door and make sure they are exercising in one way or the other.
Being physically active from the tender ages improves the academic scores and also help to fight academic and emotional distress.
Indulging your kid in a sport also helps to learn how to deal with life and its ups and downs and also helps to enhance their social skills.
The wise habit of reading

A person’s knowledge is judged in second with his/her vocabulary.
Ingrain the habit the reading into your kid at least for 10 minutes everyday while going to bed.
Reading not only helps in vocabulary but also helps the kid stick to a habit and gain knowledge from it.
Mandatory Family Time

Spending time with your children and letting them confide in you is the most essential thing that many parents do not tend to do.
Not to scare you, but 90 percent of the suicide cases in any country among children is sue to the lack of bondage between parents and children.
It is important for a child to speak his/her heart out at least to one person in the family.
You can use dinner as an opportunity to start a conversation, be it about films, literature, sports or anything that interests the whole family.
Importantly, be open-minded, your kid may not behave the way you want, but you must understand that every human creature is different. Gain the pace slowly and bring them to the right path.
Adequate sleep

At least 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep is the gold standard for children.
We’ll tell you why!
Poor sleeping patterns decrease the release of growth hormone, hence affecting the bone and tissue health.
Interrupted or lack of sleep reduces the immunity levels and leads to lack of concentration in kids.
Developing a sleeping routine from childhood will be very beneficial in the long run.
Teach basic hygiene

Kids must learn basic hygiene from the beginning of their lives so that they can get used to it.
Habits like brushing twice a day, cleaning hands before and after the meal, grooming hair etc must be taught since childhood.
This will help your kid have good teeth, skin and gut health in the long run.
No emotion is bad!

Encourage your kids to show all types of emotions.
Raising emotionally healthy kids helps them to stay away from resorting to habits like smoking and drinking in future.
Tell them how to embrace all kinds of feelings as they are natural. Teach them habits liek journaling and meditation from tender age.
Tell your kids when to walk away from a negative situation and when to retaliate.
Allow them to cry and talk about how they are feeling.