Indians are accustomed to do out of the ordinary things. As soon as someone talks about Indians traveling abroad, the first picture formed in your mind is taking with them the habitual food, such as pickles.
From carrying your own food to packing hotel supplies during checkout, there a lot of things travelers do while on a trip abroad with a family that Indians can completely relate to:
Carry Their Own Food

So a lot of people prefer carrying their own food as an alternative to indulging in the food that is a specialty at the place they are in. Some people do that in a bid to following their food custom and as a preventive measure in case if they are not served vegetarian food at that eatery, while some do that to take safety measure if they have a delicate stomach.
Grabbing a Handful of Toffees When the Flight Attendant Shows You the Tray

Consistently Complaining About How Expensive Trip Is

Complaining about the price hikes and expenses is something that people, especially the elderly do to a substantial extent. While most of us might be all right spending a little more to get the best experience, parents and other elders will usually spend some of their time criticizing expensive food and the experience.
Going by the Books

Family holidays are never about exploring the unexplored. You can only do that if you go on a backpacking trip. Families usually only go to places that are touristy and very popular. Even if you go with friends for that matter, it becomes a little difficult to just explore the hidden places if you are part of a large group.
Indian Men Staring at Women with Bikini

Indian men stare at the bikini-clad women like they are seeing women for the first time
Pack Hotel Supplies During Checkout

Okay, though this may seem strange and hilarious to believe, this is so true. Packing the hotel toiletries is a very common habit among tourists, especially if you are staying in an expensive hotel.