What is it that women most talk about? Even while in like minded company, the subject which they find the most interesting, as per general observation, is their own hallowed self, perhaps.
Yet when it comes to their sexual health, there is an expanse of silence that seems to descend over their conversations. Embarrassment, age old traditions, orthodoxy, lack of confidence, low self esteem. One thing leads to the another, and our fair sisters are left to with no option, but to endure the agony.
Itching, burning, or abnormal discharge down below. All could be symptoms of an unhealthy reproductive system for a woman. Professional consultation is most sincerely recommended. In any case we bring to you a few simple procedures, that you may follow, in order to safeguard your sexual health.
Read more on Intimate women health
1Use your personal towels in public places

Be it a public toilet, swimming accommodations, bath tubs, spa or sauna. The lady at all time is recommended to use her personal towel, to avoid coming in contact with any unhealthy germs.
Fungal thrush or bacterial vaginosis could be commonly found, and transmitted through such surfaces of public use. A little extra care, in maintaining personal hygiene, might go a long way to ensure vaginal health.
2Do not use anti-bacterial soaps to wash your privates

Washing and ventilating the vagina is highly recommended for women, who stay outdoors for long hours. Rinsing with normal tap water, is what is most advisable.
Using an anti-bacterial soap would not only kill some of the good bacteria that is required, but shall also destabilize the delicate pH balance of the area, that would lead to an increase in the unpleasantness of the smell of the region.
3Avoid synthetic lingerie

Cotton lingerie is always advised over synthetic ones, as they keep the region aerated, and less exposed to allergic reactions.
4Avoid tight clothes

Tight clothes should be avoided for long hours, as they minimize the ventilation of the region. Besides, the chance of developing an infection also increases.
5Consult a gynecologist at a regular basis

You might be a celibate, or you might be sexually active. In any case, you must be in regular consultation with a gynecologist over a period of time, in order to ensure a healthy vagina.
Abnormal discharge, appearance of infections in either partner, or disturbed body cycles. They are good enough reasons for you to consult medical supervision at once.
Read on about: Sex and intimacy
By Abhro