Two Indian students were killed in a hit and run crash near South Nashville, Tennessee on the night of Thanksgiving, as per the reports from the police suggest. The impact from the crash was so bad that the students died on spot.
The students, Judy Stanley (23), and Vybhav Gopisetty (26) were studying in the Tennessee State University and were pursuing their degree of food science in their College of Agriculture, the reports from the University clarified.
Following this dreadful event, the students in the University opened a GoFund Me page for contributing to the funeral of the deceased in India. More than $42,000 has been raised by the students already for the two students.
The police reports suggest that both the students were declared dead on the night of November 28th, 2019. The University also clarified in a statement saying that Stanley was securing his Master’s degree while Gopishetty was working on his Doctorate degree in the University.
The accused, Davis Torres (26), who was the owner of the GMC truck that caused the double fatal crash caused the same near the Nolensville Pike near Harding Place has since then surrendered before the police as per the statement from the Metro Nashville Police department.
The police said that Davis is not willingly answering any of the questions but the officers have taken a DNA sample and further investigation is continuing to find the details involved in this. The police said that Torress’ vehicle crashed into the Nissan Sentra in which the students were there.
The pickup truck was found speeding through a red signal following which it ended up hitting the passenger side of the car, as per the statements from the witnesses around. The car skid off the road on the impact, moving through a fence into a Walmart property.
Both the deceased succumbed to death because of the heavy impact of the injuries that they sustained on the crash. Their families have been informed, the police said.
One of the witnesses, Louis Mireles said that he was crossing the road when he heard the crash happen and also found the GMC truck owner fleeing from the spot after committing the crime. One of the local daily, News 4, quoted the witnessing saying, “Boom boom like that and I looked backward. It was right there I would’ve been dead right there, but something told me to step back.”
Bharat Pokharel, Associate Professor at the Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, College of Agriculture explained saying that both the students were very hard working, humble and innocent and had a very bright future ahead of them which was snatched away from them. He stated in one of his Facebook posts quoting, “I could not believe what had happened to the lives of these two young energetic scientists.”
It was Sharath Julakanti from the food science club from the University who created the GoFund Me page for the two deceased students. The page urged the locals and the people from across the world to donate their part, as per their ability, to help with the funeral of the two individuals who faced an untimely death.