Gluten is a type of protein which is found in found in barley, wheat and rye. There are a host of diseases that may be associated with gluten consumption. Most of the cases of gluten intolerance escapes diagnosis as treatment is usually given for other inflammations.
In America alone, as many as 15% of the population are said to be suffering from gluten intolerance. The number is unimaginable the world over. Read on about these symptoms of gluten intolerance.
How Gluten Intolerance Effects us
1Digestive Imbalance

Your digestive system goes for a toss due to intolerance developed towards gluten. The whole cycle of digestion is critically effected. Gas, bloating and constipation are the regular symptoms. In more severe cases, prolonged, untreated episodes may lead to diarrhea.
2Keratosis Pilaris

This is an ailment of the skin, which is also known as a chicken skin disorder. This appears as superficial inflammations on your limbs and torso. It is caused by the deficiency of omega 3 fatty acids and vitamin A. This results in the inappropriate absorption of fat by our systems, due to the damage caused to our guts by gluten. Fatigue:
People who are gluten tolerant, tend to feel tired after consuming a meal rich in gluten. The symptoms may be similar to the oncoming of a brain fog, which only becomes more severe with the passage of time.

People who are gluten tolerant, tend to feel tired after consuming a meal rich in gluten. The symptoms may be similar to the oncoming of a brain fog, which only becomes more severe with the passage of time.
4Weakening Immunity

The immune system of the body slowly gets weakens due to gluten intolerance. The capacity of the body to absorb the nutrients of the diet diminishes. The result is diseases like Rheumatoid arthritis, Lupus, multiple sclerosis, ulcerative colitis and the kind.
5Neurological Effect

The nerves could not help but get effected by the regular consumption of gluten by a person who is intolerant towards it. Nausea and a sense of loss of balance are common symptoms among gluten intolerant cases.
6Hormonal Imbalance

Gluten intolerance is known to be a cause for unexplained infertility. Hormonal imbalances such as premenstrual syndrome and polycystic ovary syndrome are experienced by women, due to gluten intolerance.
7Migraine and Headaches

Headaches often shows up due to the damages done to the guts. In case of patients suffering from gluten intolerance, the recurring episodes of headaches may develop into migraine, which is a lot worse that your friendly neighborhood aching of the head.

It is a form of chronic fatigue, which may be a result of unattended intolerance developed towards gluten. The doctors in many cases are unable to point out the cause of the fatigue, for patients who develop fibromyalgia.

Inflammations to the joints and limbs, which appear as superficial pain and swelling, are among the initial signs of gluten intolerance. The commonplace nature of these symptoms makes gluten intolerance so hard to be detected.

Indifference never works for health. Anxiety is bound to take over after a period of ignorance, which furthers into a stage of depression. That is what gluten can do to someone who is intolerant towards it.
By Abhro