Temple Solel
Paradise Valley, Arizona, 85253
Views : 276 ID :188

Name: Temple Solel
Profile: Active since Feb 26, 2015
Address : 6805 E McDonald Dr,
Paradise Valley, Arizona, 85253
Established in : 2005
Website : http://www.templesolel.org/
Contact : Temple Solel
Jewish tradition understands that tzedakah, giving of our financial resources, is essential. Yet, the rabbis remind us that there is no greater form of giving than our acts of kindness. The Talmud teaches that acting with kindness is fundamental to our identity as Jews. Only when a Jew acts with kindness is he or she acting as a Jew is expected. The rabbis go so far as to say that, so basic a value is kindness that we should question the religious identity of a person who claims to be Jewish but who acts unkindly. “Anyone” the Talmud tells us, “who is not compassionate with people is certainly not a descendent of our forefather Abraham.” Given that there are three Abrahamic faiths—Judaism, Christianity and Islam, acting with kindness and compassion is a great litmus test for all of us to judge the heart of our religious identity. My guess is there is room for a kindness tune-up for us all.
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